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What is EMDR and how can EMDR help treat clients with Substance Use Disorder?

Painful and traumatic experiences from childhood through adulthood seem to get locked into the nervous system with the original images, sounds, thoughts, feeling, physical sensations and self-perceptions. Frequently, we do not remember consciously exactly what happened, especially when the painful experiences happened at a young age. However, these locked-in experiences stored in the brain get triggered in the here and now. Being triggered from past trauma can create a great deal of internal discomfort that seems to come out of nowhere and is difficult to manage. Some people with a trauma history and current substance use may experience a great deal of inner tension, physical pain, painful memories, low-self esteem, unworthiness and negative thoughts.

EMDR treatment for substance disorder

The EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) procedure seems to unlock the nervous system and allows the brain to process those stored experiences. This helps people neutralize negative feelings, sensations and to feel more ease emotionally and physically. We also know that using substances can be related to painful experiences or trauma from the past. Using substances can temporarily make people feel good when they do not want to feel stress and inner discomfort.

EMDR is often used in the office setting with a private therapist. Many clients report relief within a few sessions. Common benefits include: increased confidence in clients ability to remain clean and sober, increased ease and ability to be present with their emotions, reducing the risk for somatic activation in stressful situations, and increased ability to identify target memories that have been relapse triggers in the past.

Anne Grisham-Pleas LMHC, SUDP: I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Substance Use Disorder Professional in private practice in Shoreline and Edmonds. I earned my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and my Certificate in Addiction Studies from Seattle University in 1991. I earned my Master’s Degree in Counseling from Seattle University in 1998. I am a certified trauma therapist and EMDR therapist I have worked in private practice, chemical dependency and mental health agencies for 33 years.

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