Substance Use Therapy
Substance Use Disorder Therapy:
I have been counseling those seeking help with their substance use and recovery needs for 33 years. Whether you recognize you have a substance use disorder, co-dependency, or love addiction, getting help from an experienced therapist is an important step to getting started in your recovery. Substance use disorder is now on a continuum and we can work together to see where your use fits on this continuum.
Therapy can be hard and challenging work, especially when individuals are considering letting go of their long-standing coping strategies. I strive to provide a sacred space for you to share your story with me. I practice with a direct but compassionate, and non-judgmental approach. Recovery looks different for everyone, however, many clients choose weekly therapy, Twelve Step meetings, SMART recovery, or other alternative recovery meetings. I believe that recovery support and learning to connect with others overcoming the same challenges can be invaluable in learning a new way of living. Knowing you are not alone in this process can be incredibly reassuring and comforting as you let go of your old coping mechanisms and learn new recovery tools. I also find that individuals who meet in Twelve Step or alternative recovery meetings can understand what you are going through, where sometimes your loved ones struggle to understand.